Posted in: Mr. Tito
BAD TITO - Disrespectful Teenagers Don't Deserve iPhones for Christmas
By Mr. Tito
Dec 27, 2011 - 7:56:19 PM

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I'm sure this will get logged as a "get off my lawn moment", but I need to say this. After Christmas was said and done, I was checking out things on Twitter on my handle @titowrestling. I was greatly disturbed by what I was seeing several Twitter users re-tweet teenagers being upset at their parents for NOT getting them an iPhone or iPad.

And it wasn't just being disappointing... It was being highly disrespectful, as if their parents were worthless because they didn't follow happen to get them a precious Apple product for Christmas. What those parents should have done is given those kids an iPhone box with a job application in it! (Quoting my good friend Chad for that line). Better yet, as someone else tweeted with a very clever line, "they should ask for a Library Card before getting an iPhone".

Disrespectful kids... Do they even realize that we're in the worst economic debacle since the Great Depression? Hello, 8.6% Unemployment Rate, as the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported for November 2011. And the cost doesn't just exist with the iPhone, which at minimum, is $49.99 for 3G models or whatever. It's the fact that you HAVE to sign up for a 2 year contract for cell phone service plus adding text and data plans. Those are GUARANTEED bills for the next 2 years that parents would have to pay.

That, and there's more to this world than staring at an iPhone all day and along with having it as an accessory to ensure that you look like a hipster. Sure, iPhones are nice, but they are definitely not required to pass High School. iPhones are just the latest device to fill "**** off" time and it's so convenient that it actually increases "**** off" time even further. Maybe once you've done well in high school and college through hardwork, and not letting "**** off" time overcome you, then maybe you can buy an iPhone for yourself.

Any kid who disrespects their parents because of dissatisfaction from a Christmas gift needs kicked in the groin and HARD. Teenagers have NO IDEA what it means to actually pay bills and have responsibility, and in this ME, ME, ME society that we're inbreeding, it's getting worse by the year. Be happy that you have a loving parent or parents who provide you food, shelter, and clothing when there are plenty of kids out there who were dealt a bad hand with their parents legitimately. Oh, I'm so sorry that you've been afforded the opportunity to succeed in life but your dumbass can't even appreciate that because you want one of Steve Jobs's table scraps.

Go work hard in school, keep your grades up, and figure out a way to EARN that iPhone through your own efforts. The cost of the device plus the phone service is out of many parents' price ranges here right now in this depressed economy. Would you rather eat or check your Facebook status on your iPhone?

I know... Ol' man Mr. Tito is ranting again, "get off my lawn", blah blah blah. But the truth hurts and any kid disrespecting their parents because of a perceived "weak" Christmas can go to hell for all I care. You don't deserve an iPhone and you deserve all of the mocking from fellow hipsters at High School because you don't have that phone. As my friend Chad put it, if you want a iPhone so bad, go get a damn job and buy one.

As much as I admire Steve Jobs for his products, the culture he helped create is causing a lot of kids to be, well, dicks. I'm not sure if innovating more ungrateful kids was an invention he was looking for, but he certainly helped achieve it.


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